Recently, I’ve started volunteering to give more talks to local user groups and conferences. Normally, I have some kind of slide deck to go along with those as a resource. To keep all of these in one place, I’ve created a Talks page as a kind of repo for the talks I’ve given or talks in development.
Why Give a Talk or Presentation?
I would say that I give talks for three main reasons:
- Giving Back: I have learned so much from others’ presentations, talks, resources, turtorials, screencasts, etc.
- Sharing My Journey or Point of View: Everyone has their own experiences and points of view, and mine seems to be well suited for the learner and DYI-er.
- Solidifying What I Know:This also gives me a chance to formalize what I know and systematize it for my own reference as well as a reference for others.
- Growing as a Teacher: I’ve always felt like I’m an awful teacher! Giving talks and especially asking for and receiving feedback from people helps me grow in this area.
Do You Get Stage Fright?
Of course, especially in front of more than a hundred people. BUT, I have been in front of people for so long I’ve learned to get comfortable with the fear. Once or twice, I’ve been so nervous I start shaking, but I’m able to get things under control. The enjoyment is greater than the fear!
Can You Speak At Our Event?
I’d love to! Whether it’s a meetup group or full-blown conference, if you think I’d be a good fit, I’d love to help out! While I can’t make it out to all of them, please feel free to contact me if you have a speaking or tutorial opportunity.
Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash