How to Increase Your Revenue by 30% (Witout Raising Your Rates)
I just finished a couple of projects for clients. This is always a good feeling. One of my strengths is “Acheiver”, which means I love (a-hem, LOVE) to get things done, checked off my list, wrapped up and put away. Normally, I jump right into the next thing without taking time to celebrate. This time,…
Value Added Service on Projects
In the world of freelancing, I’m finding I need to get projects done as quickly as possible, and with the maximum amount of revenue possible. This is of course depending on the client, what they need, and how much they’ll will to pay for the project they need done. Learning how to price your services…
Finding (and Getting) Freelance Work
Taking the Freelance Plunge “There’s nothing quite like asking someone to pay you for something you’re not quite sure you can do.” -Me. One of the most !important and delicate times for a business is the validation phase: do people want to and will they give you money? You’ve built your product, or practiced your…
Code Academy: PHP
Like a peaceful meadow after a trek through dense jungle, or the eye of a hurricane, PHP was a welcome relief, a lot more intuitive, and pretty fun. The Basics on PHP PHP is a server side language, and is the “P” in the LAMP environments that run a good deal of the internet (not…
Code Academy: JQuery and JavaScript
If the Web Fundamentals Course was like eating a tasty peanut butter and cholocate pie, jQuery (jQ) and JavaScript (JS) we’re like eating a bitttersweet pie and a pebble pie, respectively. jQuery… Not as easy to pick up as HTML and CSS, but not too bad either. What is jQ? Officially, it’s a javascript library.
First Course in Code Academy: HTML/CSS
Finding My NEW Drug of Choice After my first experience with CodeAcademy (CA), I knew that I was hooked. Literally, addicted. I’m a learner AND an achiever, and so the format of CodeAcademy was the perfect way for me to begin learning HTML and CSS. Yes, correctly completing a lesson, getting a green check and…
Getting Started with Coding: CodeAcademy
Starting from (just about) Zero How do you even begin to start thinking about learning to code on your own? The only thing that I ever really knew about HTML was how to do use the “a href” tag in the text editor in WordPress. That was it. Seriously. In thinking about how I could…
20 Hours Ahead: Initial Thoughts and the Point
Why “20 Hours Ahead”?: The idea is the same behind idea behind Josh Kaufman’s “The First 20 Hours”*, at least as I understand part of it (see his video below). There is the rapid learning that takes place (and I’m an avid learner!), but there’s also the idea that you only need about 20 hours…