
Recipe: Korean Dalkgalbi

dalkgalbi with cauliflour rice

There are certain flavors that capture your attention.

For me, one of those is this spicy/semi-sweet Korean dish: dalkgalbi.

I love the smell of this while it’s cooking, and it’s full of meat and veggies. A great combination!

So, here’s how to make it (or at least, how I make it)…


  • Chicken breasts, 2 or 3 (you can also use chicken with the bones still in it, as you like)
  • Cabbage, maybe half a head. I like more cabbage, if you like less, then put in less.
  • Korean sweat potatoes, or you can use any kind of tuber, think
  • Korean ddok (pounded rice cakes), these are optional, but nice
  • About 1 tbsp minced garlic (if you like that much)
  • About half an onion, sliced
  • 2 tbsp of sesame oil
  • Other things you can add are zucchini, carrots, squash, pretty much any gourd you want to try in there
  • Dalkgalbi sauce, about 1/4 cup (or you can make your own following this recipe, but I prefer to buy ready-made)

dalkgalbi 1 dalkgalbi 3

What You Do With Those Ingredients

  1. dalkgalbi 2Put the sesame oil in a pan and sauté the chicken, add the garlic, sweet potatos and onions earlier or later, depending on how well you want those cooked.
  2. Once all of that cooks down, add the veggies (cabbage, etc) and ddok. Make sure you stir everything around so that it’s pretty well mixed and coated a bit with sesame oil.
  3. Put on the sauce and mix it well, let that all cook down.
  4. My personal favorite part of this is burning it a little. Carcinogens are bad, I get that. But, if you want to up the flavor here, char the dalkgabi (turn up the heat and let it sit until it burns a bit). Charred is soooooooo tasty.
  5. Once it’s done, you can serve it with regular white rice, or whatever rice substitue you like (pictured finished with cauliflower rice).

It’s really easy to make, just takes about 25 minutes, and it’s a flavor you won’t soon forget.

