On being a “community taught” developer
This is a post from a place of humbleness and gratitude. This has been my journey within development and it might be different from yours. Take what is helpful, learn, and pass on the gratitude. Web development is a wild career path, and encompasses a lot… Like, waaaaaaay too much to encapsulate even in a…
Once upon a time, I lifted the Dinnie Stones…
“In 2023, I lifted the Dinnie Stones.” When I say that to folks, they usually return a blank stare. That’s ok with me. It’s pretty uncommon. I saw once that more people have submitted mount Everest than have lifted the stones. Makes the story even better 😁. I smile and continue my tale of lifting…
How to Headless: Defining Ways to Decouple or Use Static WordPress
This post originally appeared on the Strattic.com blog on April 28, 2022. Over the past few years, you may have heard phrases like: What the heck is all of this lingo?! The web has come a long way over the years, and there’s plenty of vocabulary to show for it, and our WordPress corner…
Local PHP and NodeJS Version Control
When working on projects with your local computer, it’s essential to be able to test new versions of the languages you’re using. Browser JavaScript is fairly straightforward: use the browser, make sure it’s updated, etc. However, with server-side languages (like PHP, NodeJS, Python, Go, etc.), there’s a little more nuance. Some systems come with languages…
Setting Up or Resetting My Macbook
Every now and then, fresh start is a good idea. These are some notes and links I’ve accrued from resetting my Macbook a time or two. These are just notes and links, they might be non-sensical, if you think I should polish them up, let me know. Backup: Export VSCode settings and keybindings https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35368889/how-can-i-export-settings With…
Personal Git Commands and Setup
Just about everyday, I’m working on and committing code to a repository using Git. This is pretty standard for developers today, and just like any developer, I decided that writing out git status, git add -p, git commit -m…, etc., was just too much work 😁. This lead me to spend several hours putting together…
An Ideal WordPress Development and Deployment Workflow using WP Migrate DB Pro and DeployHQ or Buddy
This post originally appeared on the Strattic.com blog on April 21, 2021. WordPress has a reputation for being an old-school piece of software, but while it runs on what is perceived as a legacy server stack, it can most definitely be used in conjunction with modern web development workflows. Many developers around the globe are…
Using WordPress as an API
Wait, what’s an API and why would I use WordPress as an API? What the heck is a BYOFE, and what does it have to do with WP? Why are there so many acronyms?!?! 😉
WP101 for Developers
This is a 3 hour workshop for the YWeb cohort. It’s a developer-focused introduction to WordPress. We cover the following with hands-on activities:
WordPress and Laravel: The Hows, Whys, and Intersections
Do you work with WordPress and wonder if there are other tools and frameworks where you could leverage your PHP or JS knowledge? Should you be using WordPress for all your projects? Do you work with Laravel and wonder why some developers still choose (and love) to work on WordPress? Come along on the journey…