Category: 20 Hours Ahead

  • BOSI Index: Moving Towards Specialist

    BOSI Index: Moving Towards Specialist

    For the first two years we lived in South Korea, I was working for an e-commerce start-up, The Arrival Store. They were really big on investing in the team, growing people professionaly, and making sure that we were working in areas of strength. While with them, I took two assessments: the Strengths Finder 2.0, and the…

  • Creating a Body of Work

    Creating a Body of Work

    I’ve only just begun to write consistently, but why? Why now?? Podcasts are a big part of my weekly routine. I usually absorb them at 2x speed while working, running errands, running, or whenever I have a spare moment. I love listening to people talk about ideas, get some tips about business, web development and life, and occasionally…

  • My January 2016 Plan

    My January 2016 Plan

    Every year, I try to make some New Years commitments, and I’ve written about those here. One of the activities I’ll probably engage in on a monthly basis is setting some deliverables to get done that month. There are several reasons for doing this, but in the spirit of going pro, I want to start…

  • Some Thoughts on Approaching New Clients

    Some Thoughts on Approaching New Clients

    Friend and fellow freelancer Melissa wrote me an email I thought I should share: I have a couple process questions for you. 🙂 So I’m deciding that I’ll try to approach some businesses that I am naturally curious/ passionate about to see if they would want to utilize my services. I’m thinking of talking with…

  • Don’t Forget Value Added… Unless You Don’t Want Paying Clients

    The worst feeling in the world is the one you get when you say to yourself, “If only I’d just said X, Y and Z, I would have sealed the deal.” But the bird has flown, the ship has sailed, and you are back to the job board, cold calling, referral asking, or pavement pounding.…

  • Take the Shortcut: Find a Mentor and Apprentice Yourself

    When I committed to getting on the Genesis Developer list, I hadn’t even bought the Genesis Framework. Granted I had worked with one client on a project involving the Genesis Framework, but that was hardly enough to say time spent with the framework to know anything about it. If there was an issue, I relied…

  • Resources for SEO and Keyword Research

    (This post is the result of a question from James. If you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll see what resources I can send your way). This post compiles everything I know about SEO and Keyword Research. It is summed up in the resources below that I used to learn and implement…

  • Just in Time Learning: Trimming the Fat and Focusing to Move Forward Quickly

    Having clients pay you to learn a new skill is a very difficult art. In trying to stay 20 Hours Ahead, you will often bite off more than you can chew. The reason is simple: in the grand scheme of things, you know very little. If you are on the road from freelancer to entrepreneur…

  • Time Track with Toggl (or Lose Your Pants!)

    Time tracking (with Toggl) is a pretty new experiment for me… but I’m loving it. One of the most influential podcasts of my “20 Hours Ahead” formation has been an interview with a Genesis developer by the name of Bill Erickson on The Matt Report. Erickson uses systems and time tracking to maximize his revenue per hour by measuring the…

  • Getting Through the Mopes, the Blocks and the Stalls

    It happens… The time will come in this 20 Hours Ahead Journey that you stuck. You will not feel like doing the work. You will not feel like you’re progressing, and you will certainly feel like somewhere along the line, you made the wrong decision to learn something new, to put yourself out there, and strike out on your…