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This Week, I’ve Learned… Your Best Isn’t Always Good Enough

They say: “when it rains it pours.”

But it’s still a real bummer to get wet.

Without being too explicit, I’ve tried really hard in some big endeavors over the past three to four months, and I’ve received the feedback and results:

  • “Things are still broken.”
  • “Things are beyond your control.”
  • “There’s nothing you can do about it.”

There is fact and feeling swirling around in these sentences.

Typically, I’m the first to be optimistic and hopeful.

But this week I learn how limited and finite I am.

I am not Superman. I am not the bomb. I might not even be the main character.

This is a blow. This is several sustained blows.

And, this was yesterday.

Today, these feelings and truths are still there, but they’re beginning to dull.

If acceptance is the final stage of grieving, I might be there.

And, I may never accept the limitations, physical and mental, placed on me.

I want to remain hopeful, change, and transform.

But this is difficult to do in the face of crushing defeat.

Maybe tomorrow…