Category: Angular

  • Genesis and Angular: Adding Routing to Posts and Pages (Part 3)

    Genesis and Angular: Adding Routing to Posts and Pages (Part 3)

    This is the third post in a three part series on using Genesis and Angular. Part 1 can be read here, and Part 2 can be read here.  Routing is part of the magic of web applications, and not something that we really think about when we’re developing WordPress sites since it’s basically taken care…

  • Using Angular to Display Content in Genesis Using the WP REST API (Part 2)

    Using Angular to Display Content in Genesis Using the WP REST API (Part 2)

    This is the second post in a three part series on using Genesis and Angular. Part 1 can be read here, and Part 3 can be read here.  In my last post on the subject, we left off with two-way bindings to show that our Angular markup was working in Genesis. That’s great! But we want…

  • Adding Angular Markup to a Genesis Child Theme (Part 1)

    Adding Angular Markup to a Genesis Child Theme (Part 1)

    This is the second post in a three part series on using Genesis and Angular. Part 2 can be read here, and Part 3 can be read here.  This month is “Angular August“, and so I’ve been focusing on learning Angular (1, not 2 yet… but soon!). I’ve set myself several tasks learning angular, one of which is developing…

  • Angular Learning Resources for Angular August

    Angular Learning Resources for Angular August

    For the month of August, I’ve been diving into Angular, and so far, it’s much easier for me to grasp than BackboneJS. That’s ok, Backbone, I’ll come back to you later! I’ve started compiling some resources I’ve been using to learn Angular as well, and am putting them here. I’ll be updating this from time…