Category: Favorites

  • On being a “community taught” developer

    On being a “community taught” developer

    This is a post from a place of humbleness and gratitude. This has been my journey within development and it might be different from yours. Take what is helpful, learn, and pass on the gratitude. Web development is a wild career path, and encompasses a lot… Like, waaaaaaay too much to encapsulate even in a…

  • Looking Backwards: 2016 in Review

    Looking Backwards: 2016 in Review

    It’s that time of the year, reviewing what has been done, assessing what was good, discarding what was not, and moving forward in a better situation than I was before. After my theme and goal setting at the end of 2015, I moved into the new year with hope and optimism. This year was very interesting…

  • Creating a Body of Work

    Creating a Body of Work

    I’ve only just begun to write consistently, but why? Why now?? Podcasts are a big part of my weekly routine. I usually absorb them at 2x speed while working, running errands, running, or whenever I have a spare moment. I love listening to people talk about ideas, get some tips about business, web development and life, and occasionally…

  • My January 2016 Plan

    My January 2016 Plan

    Every year, I try to make some New Years commitments, and I’ve written about those here. One of the activities I’ll probably engage in on a monthly basis is setting some deliverables to get done that month. There are several reasons for doing this, but in the spirit of going pro, I want to start…

  • Looking ahead to 2016

    Looking ahead to 2016

    Every year, we make resolutions. Some make decisions, other make mantras. I’m a fan of all these things, and relish in the chance to engage in self examination and set some goals for myself. For 2015, my mantra and goal was to “trim the fat”. This meant a couple things: Lose fat, not just weight,…

  • Time Track with Toggl (or Lose Your Pants!)

    Time tracking (with Toggl) is a pretty new experiment for me… but I’m loving it. One of the most influential podcasts of my “20 Hours Ahead” formation has been an interview with a Genesis developer by the name of Bill Erickson on The Matt Report. Erickson uses systems and time tracking to maximize his revenue per hour by measuring the…

  • Getting Through the Mopes, the Blocks and the Stalls

    It happens… The time will come in this 20 Hours Ahead Journey that you stuck. You will not feel like doing the work. You will not feel like you’re progressing, and you will certainly feel like somewhere along the line, you made the wrong decision to learn something new, to put yourself out there, and strike out on your…

  • Value Added Service on Projects

    In the world of freelancing, I’m finding I need to get projects done as quickly as possible, and with the maximum amount of revenue possible. This is of course depending on the client, what they need, and how much they’ll will to pay for the project they need done. Learning how to price your services…