Category: 20 Hours Ahead

  • January Goals, Did I Do Them?

    January Goals, Did I Do Them?

    It’s always hard to not meet your goals. Even harder to admit them to the public:-). But, here it goes, and here’s the progress I’ve made…

  • Documentation as a Discipline

    Documentation as a Discipline

    A while ago, I read a post from Tom McFarlin about keeping a change log.  I had actually just started a massive project and was scrambling to remember what I did the previous month and why. Also, we had promised to deliver technical documentation and user manuals. I figured that I would get through the project (which…

  • I Wrote This Post in the Command Line With WP-CLI

    I Wrote This Post in the Command Line With WP-CLI

    I just found a new toy, and it is a good one. I have loved using the command line for version control, and now I have a new tool in the arsenal. Let me introduce you to WP-CLI…

  • This Week I Learned: SQL database queries and foreach()

    This Week I Learned: SQL database queries and foreach()

    It’s been a busy week. I’m putting together a new theme (to be unveiled soon), updating some projects I’ve been working on, and tuned my guitar for the first time in about three months. I’ve come across a couple new things I wanted to record. It’s funny how, when putting sites together, you come across things you…

  • How Much Javascript is Enough?

    How Much Javascript is Enough?

    There is a rush to learn Javascript right now. Especially in the WordPress community, there are people clamoring for more, better, and comprehensive Javascript resources. And there’s tons available and even more lists, and lists of lists. Similarly, most all entry level developer jobs–from Junior Developer to Front-End Engineer–are all requiring a decent amount of…

  • An Honest Review on my January Plan

    An Honest Review on my January Plan

    “Uhh ohh…” I looked at my watch. I couldn’t believe it was already Sunday. Not just anytime on Sunday, but evening. That meant that the weekend was over and it was time to get back to the weekly projects at hand tomorrow (that is, today!).  This isn’t a post about “a case of the Mondays”, and it’s…

  • This Week I Learned: Custom Meta Boxes and Post Meta

    This Week I Learned: Custom Meta Boxes and Post Meta

    “Can we have a l way to link a slider image to a specific page?” my client asked. “Sure, no problem,” I said. Now, I had never done this before, but it seemed easy enough to do. In my mind, I pictured the solution: In the slider custom post type (cpt), I need a custom…

  • Learning New Things: Bower

    Learning New Things: Bower

    Along with Grunt, another tool I’ve been playing around with is Bower. What is Bower? It’s a package manager for the web, duh! Ok, let’s back up. What does that even mean? Two bits of information should help clarify: The origin of the name “bower”. A better understanding of what packages are. Let’s dive in…

  • Learning New Things: Grunt

    I’m still getting a handle on Grunt. As far as a build tool, I’ve not yet been able to wrap my head completely around it. Maybe I need a better tutorial, or maybe I just need to not get hung up on any task runner that isn’t working right (looking at you, livereload!). I’ll get…

  • This Week, I’ve Learned… Your Best Isn’t Always Good Enough

    This Week, I’ve Learned… Your Best Isn’t Always Good Enough

    They say: “when it rains it pours.” But it’s still a real bummer to get wet. Without being too explicit, I’ve tried really hard in some big endeavors over the past three to four months, and I’ve received the feedback and results: